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During GRM’s UK prayer conference, one of the mission experts speaking in the conference said these words: “Partnership is now the most important word in world missions”.

From the earliest days of GRM, as the scope of the global missionary vision was being realized, it became obvious that the vision could only be fulfilled through partnership.

The commission was never to simply touch every nation on the globe, it is to fill every nation with the knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they have a real opportunity to believe on him. This is only possible by the ENTIRE body of Christ eventually becoming engaged with and collaborating in a final global mission that is co-ordinated by the Holy Spirit.


Organizations that administer various Holy Spirit inspired initiatives will respond to the Holy Spirit’s impulses to phase resources and form partnerships, and this is what we have been finding. Our challenge, and undoubtedly the challenge of other mission organizations, is to first understand, then be able to adapt to the requirements for partnership to work. This is an ongoing journey and one that GRM is committed to.

Some of our partnerships so far have been time limited, while others have resulted in more enduring relationships.

Partnerships are based on relationships between individual leaders, on Christ like character in leaders, and on genuine Kingdom focus. Partnerships on this basis have begun to be developed with leaders and ministries who are like this, are who are similarly committed to fulfilling the Great Commission. Generally, these organizations operate with a different but compatible focus from GRM, and in this way mutual benefit is experienced by both organizations in meeting their goals.